7 Reasons why our Online Fitness Challenge is a Mega Success!

Brief Back-Story

Before starting our Online Fitness Challenge in 2020, we have been in the Nutrition coaching industry for the past 6 years. We have been coaching people for their weight loss, improving dietary habits and thinking positively. During this journey, we realised that some challenges were common to many people.

fitdentistcouple online wellness coaches weight loss 21 days online fitness challenge

Before coming to us, most people had tried different weight loss strategies. They were already loaded with information but couldn’t take enough action.

While self-motivated individuals could move and get results fairly easily, the majority struggled to start. Many of those who did, found the process boring and tiresome. 

Many of them were searching for a holistic and complete fitness programme that spanned diet, exercise, nutrition and mindset. We decided to bridge this gap with our 21 Day Online Fitness Challenges. When we started in March 2020, we designed them to help people start and get small results. 

After almost a year of running, the Online Fitness Challenge programme has grown by 10 Seasons and has become a roaring success. While there would be many reasons why our online challenges became a mega success, here are the top 7 of them.

Reasons for success of our Online Fitness Challenge


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

For 21 Days, people with similar goals came together in a private group. A closed Community made things powerful, falling off difficult and results easier.

No Guesswork

fitdentistcouple recipe book

We provided Herbalife products, food suggestions, recipe books, and grocery ideas. We helped the participants leave the guesswork behind. 

Optimum Protein intake

All of our participants used Herbalife products and healthy protein-based meals in an attempt to achieve their daily protein requirements. They preserved lean muscle and lost fat scientifically, resulting in esthetically and functionally pleasing results.

No Gym Memberships

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Since gyms were anyway closed, we provided live online workouts which they could attend from their phones. This kept them active and energetic all day long. Saving on the Gym fee was a bonus!

Live Chat Support

We made sure we were actively supporting people through chat on Whatsapp and Facebook. We also conducted weekly video calls (one to one) for detailed problem-solving. 


We conducted Wellness Talks and Education calls to ensure they learned while getting their results. That way they could continue their journey ahead if they chose to part ways with us after 21 Days.


Our programme did not require them to move out of their homes. Everything was online and the products were shipped to them. 

Even today, our online challenges are 100% Online. 

We left people better than we found them

we left people better than we found them
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

After every season, we saw people getting fitter, stronger and smarter. 

They started making intelligent choices independently.

Their body confidence grew and so did their self-love.

They started enjoying workouts.

They started celebrating food guilt-free!

Looking for an Online Fitness Programme that works?

We are helping people around the world start their fitness journey through our 21-Day Online Fitness Challenges. Every month we bring a closed group of highly motivated individuals together. We give them nutrition, education, online workouts, one on one coaching and ensure that they are well supported all through.

For the past year, our challenges have been immensely successful. We’ve created more than 100 Success Stories and are still counting. If you’re someone who’s looking for an online programme that is driven by results, this is probably where your search ends. 

Message us here to enquire more about the next season of our 21-Day Online Fitness Challenge

Interested in reading further about weight loss and calorie management? I’d suggest checkout 7 Weight loss tips that actually work. For in-depth information about Fat loss and calories, check out this article.

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