Importance and Benefits of Stretching: A Quick Guide

Importance and benefits of stretching: A quick guide.
Photo by Oksana Taran on Unsplash

Stretching is an often overlooked component of fitness, especially because most people do not understand (or underestimate) the importance and benefits of stretching.

Stretches and workouts, both are essential for maintaining muscle health. Workouts make the muscles sore and stretching gets them to loosen up and relax, thus reducing the risk of injuries.

Similar to working out, long working hours in the same posture can also get muscles sore. Stretching helps relax them as well.

In short, stretching has multiple benefits both in relation to working out and in routine life.

Importance and Benefits of Stretching

importance and benefits of stretching

Stretching improves Posture

Regular stretching helps improve your muscle health. Healthy muscles help you maintain your posture better. From the tech guy who sits on the laptop the whole day, to the Surgeon who stands for 8 hours without a break; Stretching is useful! 

Stretching improves Joint Health

Ageing causes our joints to lose their range of motion (ROM). Stretching forces the joints to achieve their maximum ROM, thus helping in anti-ageing.

Stretching improves Flexibility

Over time, your muscles lose their ability to stretch to their maximum. Stretching forces the muscles to extend to their maximum lengths, thus improving the body’s flexibility.

Stretching may reduce Back Pain

Regular stretching of back muscles may significantly reduce chances of lower back pain. This is possibly because of an improvement in the overall posture, better muscle flexibility and reduced stiffness.

Stretching reduces Muscle soreness

Stretching helps reduce the soreness caused by exercise by increasing the blood flow to the muscles.

Stretching improves physical performance

Dynamic stretches performed before exercise helps in optimal muscle performance. 

Stretching reduces Stress

Regular stretching makes you feel good and when combined with breathing techniques, meditation etc, may help decrease anxiety and depression.

Do not miss your Stretches!

Regular stretching before and after a workout is essential for improving overall fitness. It is important to ensure that we make enough time to incorporate well-planned stretching routines into our daily life.

If you’re someone who has a desk job, then you may also consider multiple short periods of stretches every time you get up from your desk.

Here’s a great guide from on the Do’s and Dont’s of Stretching.

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