Is it safe to use Herbalife during Pregnancy? (My Personal Story)

Herbalife during pregnancy

Is it safe to use Herbalife during pregnancy? If you’re someone who’s pregnant right now (or planning to be), then this article will help you.

Hey, I am Dr Amanpreet and Herbalife Nutrition has been a significant part of my diet during both my pregnancies. I’ve used almost the entire product range except Herbalife Herbal control tablets which are high on caffeine. 

I have been using Herbalife products since 2014 and continuing to use them during my pregnancy was a natural choice. They made both my pregnancies a very smooth ride owing to the nutrition quality and convenience.

But, before I share any details, I want to make a disclaimer.

DISCLAIMER: Herbalife Products are nutritional supplements and not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any diseases or medical conditions.

Both my pregnancies have been very healthy and uncomplicated. I was always under the guidance of my mother-in-law, who’s a Gynaecologist, though using Herbalife Products during my pregnancy was my personal choice!

If you wish to use Herbalife Products during your pregnancy, I would recommend you to consult your healthcare provider by showing the product labels to him/her.

Formula 1 Shake and Personalised Protein Powder

My breakfast has been non negotiably by F1 shake with two scoops of protein powder with shake mate. To make it more calorie-dense during my pregnancy, I also added some oats and homemade peanut butter to it.

Since the requirement of protein during pregnancy becomes way more, two shakes a day one as breakfast and the other as evening snack together providing me about 60 grams of protein, along with protein-rich snacking really helped me hit my increased protein requirement.

Protein-rich diet might have also played an important role in causing my nausea-free first trimester and a very healthy growth of my babies in my second and third trimesters.


This has been my favourite product in both my pregnancies.

Research has proven that consumption of omega 3 during pregnancy and breastfeeding causes a positive effect on baby’s eyesight and brain development and I can already see this in Viraj as he turns 3 years old.

Furthermore, studies show that infants whose mothers supplemented with DHA during pregnancy had a healthier immune function. It is also linked to preventing preterm labour, preeclampsia and postpartum depression and I could observe the same in my case where Viraj was born as a full-term healthy baby.

Multivitamins, Multimineral and Herbal tablets

Well, the foundation of a healthy baby is laid well before getting pregnant. With 17 essential vitamins, minerals and herbs, Herbalife multivitamins have played a very important role in both my pregnancies. I will discuss a few vitamins which really become important in pregnancy

Folic Acid

During early development, folic acid helps form the neural tube. Folic acid is very important because it can help prevent some major birth defects of the baby’s brain and spine. 

It’s important to take at least 400 mcg folic acid before conception and for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Herbalife one multivitamin gives 32 mcg per tab, so that’s about 100 mcg per day from the supplement, and one shake serving gives 85 mcg, so that’s 170 mcg if I consume two shakes totalling to 270 mcg from my shake and supplements, besides from my diet.

I didn’t consume extra folic acid while planning but as soon as I detected pregnancy I also included an additional folic acid supplement.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of new DNA as well as maintaining normal blood and neurological brain function. Vitamin B12 deficiency has a range of adverse health effects for pregnant women including anaemia and neurological complications. 

The recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 for all pregnant women is about 2.6μg.

One multivitamin tab gives 0.3 mcg, so three tabs a day means 1 mcg. Besides shake contains 0.4 mcg per serving, so that would be 0.8mcg if you consume two shakes a day. So that’s a total 1.7 mcg from shakes and multivitamins. Rest can be fulfilled through diet but it becomes nearly impossible to get all your Vitamin B12 from your diet if you are a vegetarian.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which may protect us from some diseases and ageing. It is also important for the production of collagen, bones, cartilage, muscles and blood vessels.

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for ensuring good dental health for the pregnant woman and her foetus, as it plays an important role in the development of healthy gums. Adequate vitamin C intake also increases an individual’s absorption of non-haem iron. However, it cannot be stored in body tissues for long periods of time, and must therefore be consumed every day.

The concentration of vitamin C in a woman’s blood declines progressively and by up to 50% during pregnancy since it’s used by the foetus. A pregnant woman should consume at least 60 mg of Vitamin C per day.

Herbalife multivitamins provide 13 mg Vitamin C per serving, so thats 39 mg per day and F1 has 15mg per serving so that’s additional 30 mg, total shake and multivitamins will provide 69 mg per day.



You need twice as much iron during pregnancy than you did before pregnancy. When you’re pregnant, your body needs this iron to make more blood so it can carry oxygen to your baby. Your baby needs iron to make his own blood. 

During pregnancy you need 27 milligrams of iron each day. I took an additional iron supplement from the second trimester onwards.


Iodine is an essential trace element which assists in growth, metabolism and tissue development. Its deficiency during pregnancy might lead to miscarriage, still birth and and birth defects.

During pregnancy a woman’s iodine requirement increases from 150μg daily, to 220μg daily.Our multivitamins provide 45 mcg per tab, so that’s 135mcg per day. Rest can be fulfilled through diet including iodised salt.


Selenium is a trace mineral which is an antioxidant and plays an important role in regulating the function of the thyroid . During pregnancy selenium deficiency increases the risk of low birth weight and pre-eclampsia. 

It is recommended that pregnant women consume 65μg of selenium per day.

One Herbalife multivitamin tab gives 13 mcg per tab, so that’s 39 mcg per day, rest we can try to fulfill through our diet though it might be difficult especially on a vegetarian diet.

Herbalife Calcium tablets

Calcium’s key function is to ensure the proper growth and structure of teeth and bones. Low calcium intake throughout life, and particularly in periods of rapid growth such as pregnancy, increases the risk of osteoporosis later in life, particularly after menopause.

About 1,000 mg of calcium is required during pregnancy since the absorption rate also increases during pregnancy. One Herbalife calcium tab provides 400 mg calcium. Besides, Herbalife multivitamin provides 129 mg per tab, so that’s 387 mg per day, one serving of shake mate provides 129 mg, one serving of F1 provides 120 mg so that’s 498 mg per two servings of F1 prepared in shake mate. So in total, a pregnant woman can easily consume 1285 mg of calcium per day from shake and supplements.

Besides Herbalife calcium also contains Vitamin D which helps in the absorption of calcium.It is also an important nutrient for optimal immune function, maintaining healthy skin and muscle strength.Vitamin D deficiency in a pregnant woman is an important risk factor for the development of osteoporosis later in life.

A pregnant woman needs about 5 mcg vitamin D daily. The calcium supplement has 2.53 mcg per tab. Besides F1 has 1.75 mcg and shake mate 1.65 mcg per serving. The multivitamin tab has .83 mcg per tab so that’s 1.66 mcg per day. So in total, we can easily consume up to 11 mcg per day with shake and supplements. This becomes even more important when we are primarily working indoors and unable to take much natural sunlight. 

Another element which is present in Herbalife Calcium is Magnesium

Magnesium is a micronutrient which works with more than 300 enzymes involved in energy generation. It also plays a role in regulating the function of other minerals including calcium and potassium. Maternal magnesium deficiency increases the risk of pre-eclampsia and pre-term delivery. There is also some evidence of an association with low birth weight.

A pregnant woman needs about 360 mg Magnesium daily.Herbalife Calcium has 150 mg magnesium per tab. Each serving of F1 has 50 mg. So one Calcium tablet and two servings of F1 per day will provide 250 mg Magnesium. Rest we can fulfill through diet like green veggies, legumes, peas. 

Herbalife Skin Booster

This has been another miracle herbalife product for me in pregnancy which has improved my skin elasticity preventing stretch marks to quite an extent.

It can also prevent postpartum loose skin. I owe a lot to this supplement for my clear, glowing skin throughout my pregnancy. Also along with biotin, it contributes to healthy hair and nails.

Herbalife Afresh 

With just 40 mg of caffeine per serving and 4 calories, afresh has been a refreshing drink to support my pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

Although it is recommended to limit the consumption of Caffeine in all forms during pregnancy.

Herbalife Probiotics

This has been another wonder product especially with the patented Ganden BC30 found exclusively in Herbalife Probiotics.

Probiotic supplements have several health benefits for pregnant and nursing women. Studies have shown that when women increase their probiotic intake during pregnancy and after birth there is almost a 50% chance of reducing the risk of allergies in their babies. Some of the other benefits of taking probiotics during pregnancy include:

Reduced risk of preeclampsia (high blood pressure) and its associated  complications 

Minimize morning sickness – Probiotics during pregnancy ensures that the balance between the “good” and the “bad” bacteria is maintained. This helps reduce nausea and encourages an increase in energy.

Improves your digestion thus preventing typical gut problems in pregnancy like constipation, bloating, heartburn. A healthy gut also ensures that nutrients are absorbed quickly and effectively by the cells. If the mother gets more nourishment, the baby will get them too.

Helps build immunity of both the mother and the baby

Avoiding postpartum depression Recent research indicates that increasing your intake of probiotics during pregnancy can actually change the neurotransmitters in your gut. These changes improve your ability to deal with depression and anxiety.

Decreases chances of gestational diabetes

Probiotics help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels, thereby ensuring your whole body is functioning and regulating your sugar level appropriately.


L Arginine is Niteworks is a precursor of nitric oxide which causes good flow during pregnancy and thus has been shown to prevent pregnancy induced hypertension and its complications, underweight babies, and preterm delivery.

I’ve been taking Niteworks daily before sleeping. 

My night drink is a scoop of niteworks, sachet of probiotics, skin booster and two capfuls of aloe concentrate. I really look forward to this drink 🙂

Besides I’ve been using Herbalife aloe concentrate for a healthy digestion, joint support for joint health, cell u loss which has helped prevent any water retention and swollen feet especially in the last trimester, cell activator for my dose of antioxidants and improving the nutrient absorption and active fiber complex which has helped me being regular in both my pregnancies.

Herbalife during Pregnancy…

Using Herbalife during pregnancy or not, entirely is your personal choice. Ideally, Any medication or supplementation during pregnancy has to be taken with the consent of your medical practitioner.

In the end, I would like to say that if you’re someone who’s planning to become a mother or already pregnant.. Take care of your nutritional requirements well. Make sure to consult a Gynaecologist and an experienced Wellness Coach to fulfil your needs.

Also, Herbalife Nutritional supplements if taken under the right guidance, and in a scientific way, can help you to lose your pregnancy weight safely and effectively. We are running Online Fitness Challenges and helping people lose weight. They have been crazily successful and If you’re interested in knowing more about them, just send us a message on Instagram at Fitdentistcouple

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