How to Lose Weight when you love Sweets: 4-Step Strategy!

Picture the last birthday celebration you witnessed? I’m sure it was fun, filled with happiness, smiles and warmth, right? All moments of joy, including birthday celebrations have these things in common. With every celebration also comes another commonality, Delicious Food and Sweets! I bet you’re already salivating 😀 Usually, it would be acceptable to have …


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

7 Reasons why our Online Fitness Challenge is a Mega Success!

Brief Back-Story Before starting our Online Fitness Challenge in 2020, we have been in the Nutrition coaching industry for the past 6 years. We have been coaching people for their weight loss, improving dietary habits and thinking positively. During this journey, we realised that some challenges were common to many people. Before coming to us, …


importance of stretching benefits of stretching: a quick guide

Importance and Benefits of Stretching: A Quick Guide

Stretching is an often overlooked component of fitness, especially because most people do not understand (or underestimate) the importance and benefits of stretching. Stretches and workouts, both are essential for maintaining muscle health. Workouts make the muscles sore and stretching gets them to loosen up and relax, thus reducing the risk of injuries. Similar to …


its time to change our mindset fitdentistcouple

Here’s why its time to question our ways of living!

During the past six years of coaching clients one on one, I noticed that a majority of people have this question. “Why do we need to gym when we have an active life?”, “Why do we need external supplementation when we have good quality food daily?” “Why do we need to deviate from the way …


pregnant woman

Is it safe to use Herbalife during Pregnancy? (My Personal Story)

Is it safe to use Herbalife during pregnancy? If you’re someone who’s pregnant right now (or planning to be), then this article will help you. Hey, I am Dr Amanpreet and Herbalife Nutrition has been a significant part of my diet during both my pregnancies. I’ve used almost the entire product range except Herbalife Herbal …


General CSS Styling

This article covers the general styling used across the site. Specific template or element styling may be covered in their own posts. All Custom CSS is in the Customizer > Additional CSS. Theme Elements Navigation underline Add shadow border to navigation to match sticky navigation. Navigation Search Add background color to Navigation Search

The Single Product

Niche brings a new layout to the Single Product by introducing a stacked gallery for desktop, moves the Woocommerce breadcrumb and makes the summary Sticky. To do this required, guess what some Hook Elements and some CSS. Breadcrumb #Hook 1 – Woo Breadcrumb Single product Like the Shop page we are manually adding our breadcrumb. …


The Shop

The advanced Woocommerce features in GeneratePress Premium 1.8 has allowed my to divulge in some new custom functions and styling. Upon visiting the Shop page you will see several custom elements and styles. Category Navigation below entry title Off Canvas Filter Toggle Repositioned Breadcrumb Minimal styled shop grid with hover add to cart effect Hook …


Off Canvas Panel

The Off Canvas Panel provides more then another place to add your navigation. With Widget Areas and Hooks it can be loaded with extra elements. As covered in the How the Show was made post we have done a little bit of fancy work to create a Shop filter as well as provide our Mobile …


7 weight loss tips that will change the game in 2020

7 Simple Weight Loss tips that actually work!

Introduction Edit: 19th March, 2020: I wrote this article for the year 2019 (last year close to new year). Fortunately, these 7 weight loss tips still hold true for anyone who’s looking to lose weight in this coming 2020. Hence, I am editing this article for the current new year… I hope you enjoy reading …
